Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gothic Dining Chair...A Pair!

I found the vintage Gothic chairs together, In a favorite shop.  The finish was all but gone, and they were upholstered in a purple red vinyl {GASP!!!} After allot of sanding, painting and glazing, this is where we landed.  I would love to see them with a big old gateleg table...did I ever mention that I love gateleg tables too?  I do.  I found the fabric in Chicago, and got enough to cover all of the other Gothic chairs I hope to someday find, filling out the rest of a set for dining...unless they find another path on their own. Different Gothic chairs surrounding a big old gateleg table.  I can just see it now, can you?


  1. What a find - great chairs - LUCKY! Will you paint them in a painting?

  2. Thank you Lisa, yes I think it was a great find as well. I had not thought of doing them in a painting, what a great idea! By the way, i looked at your blog, and love your work...very nice! Thanks for looking!
